L. Ron Hubbard had a dream.

In 1973 he thought that his Data Series Evaluation technology could actually create intelligence agents who were equal to what has been termed a “natural”.

The search for this “natural” that those we call the slavemasters have desired to recruit to their “side” goes as far back as you can imagine […read more]

This post begins to document Scott Gordon’s behavior towards Loren Spethman before and after Loren met the McClaughry’s, then helped move them out of the dangerous environment of Scott Gordon’s house in Pueblo, then became with friends with the McClaughry’s. Ever since then Scott Gordon has tried to silence Loren Spethman from speaking out about Scott Gordon’s abusive and dangerous behaviors toward others and Scott Gordon has also repeatedly tried to enforce Church of Scientology disconnection policies towards the McClaughry’s on Loren Spethman.

This has been quite the Gordian Knot to get a handle on cutting through but…it’s elementary. It can be done and I think this is a good start.

This post documents our interactions in and around Doug Kramer – now deceased – opening the door to larger questions concerning his untimely demise.

The purpose of this post is to start bringing out the receipts of what was going on when Scott Gordon tried to force us to bend the knee to him, particularly Virginia. This, is REAL Fair Game. We had a choice, break, give in and submit who others think we should be or go fully homeless. We chose the latter. This is a beginning receipts presentation of why and how that all happened in 2021.

When you can win by losing…now THAT’s a helluva pumpkin in the road.

The purpose of this post is to raise awareness on the titled topics. It is included in my new way of doing things ie: Deep Cut and Nuts & Bolts. Deep Cut version. What do I mean by that? A ‘cut’ is a slang term for a song […]

Quote/Title is from new Rolling Stone article of 4 January 2024 “FBI Infiltrator […read more]

Demons doing what Demons do (as a friend of mine likes to say)
Cutting to the chase – The latest posting by Mr. Gordon is 48 paragraphs of no receipts.
Not one, for any of it.