HIGH CONTROL Tactics for “Thought Reform” – Report by MKULTRA Doctors Wolff and Hinkle; 1956

This still in draft-status article covers an incredibly revealing article on Communist Interrogation and Indoctrination of “Enemies of the State” tactics, published in 1956 by the ghoulish Dr.’s Wolff and Hinkle. The report has normally been behind a “pay wall” at various websites and not easily accessible by everyone. The CIA included this report in declassified records that first showed up in the Internet Archive only a few years ago and no one has apparently noticed this as yet. We are publishing the article without full parallels and documentation completed as yet (although we will note some parallels immediately) due to the importance that people far and wide be made aware of and have access to this knowledge.

~ Published November 12, 2019 ~


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HIGH CONTROL Tactics for “thought reform”

Report by MKULTRA Doctors Wolff and Hinkle; 1956

Interrogation and Indoctrination Techniques




Doctors Wolff and Hinkle both had a long history performing mind control experiments for the intelligence community, whether the Navy, the DoD or the CIA.

Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle presented their findings of their MKULTRA contracted study to the CIA in 1956. Originally written as a report for the Technical Services Division of the CIA that year, it was also published in 1956 in a major psychiatric journal, the Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, under the title, Communist Interrogation and Indoctrination of “Enemies of the State”: Analysis of Methods Used by the Communist State Police (A Special Report). The CIA released this into their online ready library in 2017 but we have also uploaded it to Mike McClaughry’s Internet Archive documents.

Wolff and his core “team” MKULTRA subprojects and other intelligence projects list (including many previously unknown to be under Dr. Wolff’s umbrella) is extensive. The research underway documenting every single one – including the connection of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) founder and CIA agent William Thetford to far more of these projects than was previously revealed by anyone – will first be displayed (soon to some) in a timeline format as part of the ACIM article already published.

It literally blows the lid off these things in a way that has never been done before.

That this article by Wolff and Hinkle actually forms further documentation of what they did to people in the name of “research”, simply cannot be understated as to its importance.


The Article


For now, we are just going to excerpt text that is of prime importance and include just short-hand notes to show you where the truly glaring parallels are to past and current individuals and groups who employ these very tactics right up to now. They use these for the exact same reasons as the “communists” and their opposing intelligence communities did. To try and create “thought reform” and HIGH CONTROL of individuals towards an end someone else has decided they “need” to go in.

Let’s begin.

First, we will bring out important excerpts that debunk that the term “brain washing” to describe this was ever used by anyone doing these techniques other than a CIA propagandist who “reported” it in a Miami news article in 1950.

The term “brain washing,” originated by a reporter who interviewed Chinese refugees in Hong Kong, has caught the public fancy and has gained wide acceptance. Various authors have attempted to provide a scientific definition for this term. This has had the effect of confirming the general impression that “brain washing” is an’ esoteric technique for the manipulation of  human behavior, designed by “scientific investigators” on the basis of laboratory experiments and controlled observations, and producing highly predictable results. Many of the public speculations about “brain washing” are not supported by the available evidence.

p. 35 –

The combination of Communist practices, such as public confession and self-criticism, with traditional Chinese methods of learning by rote and repetition resulted in a highly effective method of persuasion. These methods, as applied to the general population following the success of the revolution in 1949, have been referred to as methods of “thought reform” or “ideological reform”#; and, as we have seen, these phrases were finally transferred into English under the generic term of “brain washing.”

The Chinese have shown great skill in the development of these methods and their application, but, like the Russians, they developed their methods by trial and error, through practice, and through the application of known principles. There is no evidence- that psychologists, neurophysiologists, or other scientists participated in their development.

IMPORTANT note at bottom of page 35:

#The term “brain washing” is not used by the Chinese, and should be avoided, for it has no precise meaning. The Chinese phrase is “Szu hsing K’si Tsao,” which means “ideological reform.” It is sometimes shortened to “K’ai Tsao,” or “reform.”

Now we will go through the article and excerpt in the order it was presented.

p. 13  SEQUENCE KGB TECHNIQUE – Isolation first.

An almost invariable feature of the management of any important suspect under detention is a period of total isolation in a detention cell.[…]The hours and routine of the prisoner are rigidly organized.[…] At all times except when he is eating, sleeping, exercising, or being interrogated, the prisoner is left strictly alone in his cell. He has nothing to do, nothing to read, and no one to talk to. Under the strictest regimen, he may have to sit or stand in his cell in a fixed position all day. He may sleep only at hours prescribed for sleep. Then he must go to bed promptly when told, and must lie in a fixed position upon his back with his hands outside the blanket. If he deviates from this position, the guard outside will awaken him and make him resume it. The light in his cell burns constantly. He must sleep with his face constantly toward it.

p. 14 – The Effects of Isolation –

The effects upon prisoners of the regimen in the isolation cell are striking. […]Exposed for the first time to total isolation in a KGB prison, he develops a predictable group of symptoms, which might almost be called a “disease syndrome.” […]The initial appearance of an arrested prisoner is one of bewilderment. The guards and KGB officers are quite familiar with this syndrome. They watch each new prisoner with technical interest as his symptoms develop.For a few hours he may sit quietly in his cell looking confused and dejected.[…]But within a short time most prisoners become alert and begin to take an interest in their environment. They react with expectancy when anyone approaches the door to the cell. They show interest and anxiety as they are exposed to each new feature of the prison routine. They may ask questions or begin conversations. Some make demands…The guards refer to this as the period of getting “acclimatized” to the prison routine. After a few days it becomes apparent to the prisoner that his activity avails him nothing, and that he will be punished or reprimanded for even the smallest breaches of the routine. He wonders when he will be released or questioned. His requests have been listened to but never acted upon. He becomes increasingly anxious and restless, and his sleep is disturbed. He begins to look up alertly when anyone passes in the corridor. He jumps when the guard comes to the door. He becomes “adjusted” to the routine in his cell and goes through it punctiliously; but he still leaves some of his food, and occasionally he reveals by small gestures his lack of complete submission to his environment.The period of anxiety, hyperactivity, and apparent adjustment to the isolation routine usually continues from one to three weeks. As it continues, the prisoner becomes increasingly dejected and dependent. He gradually gives up all spontaneous activity within his cell and ceases to care about his personal appearance and actions. Finally, he sits and stares with a vacant expression, perhaps endlessly twisting a button on his coat. He allows himself to become dirty and disheveled. When food is presented to him, he eats it all, but he no longer bothers with the niceties of eating. He may mix it into a mush and stuff it into his mouth like an animal. He goes through the motions of his prison routine automatically, as if he were in a daze. The slop jar is no longer offensive to him. Ultimately he seems to lose many of the restraints of ordinary behavior. He may soil himself. He weeps; he mutters, and he prays aloud in his cell. He follows the orders of the guard with the docility of a trained animal. It usually takes from four to six weeks to produce this phenomenon in a newly imprisoned man. p. 16 Not all men who first experience total isolation react in precisely this manner

Notes at the bottom of p. 15 that:

The reaction to be described in this and in the following sections is that of a “typical” man, previously untrained, who has never been imprisoned or isolated before, and who has been arrested for a serious, but not specified, crime against the state of which he could be “guilty.” Even among such men, there are wide differences in the capacity to tolerate the isolation regimen. Some become demoralized within a few days, while others are able to retain a high degree of self-control for months.

p. 16 – The effects

The effects of isolation, uncertainty, and anxiety are usually sufficient to make the prisoner eager to talk to his interrogator and to seek some method of escape from a situation which has become intolerable. But, if these alone are not enough to produce the desired effect, the officer in charge has other simple and highly effective ways of applying pressure. Two of the most effective of these are fatigue and lack of sleep. The constant light in the cell and the necessity of maintaining a rigid position in bed compound the effects of anxiety and nightmares in producing sleep disturbances. If these are not enough, it is easy to have the guards awaken the prisoner at intervals. This is especially effective if the prisoner is always awakened as soon as he drops off to sleep. The guards can also shorten the hours available for sleep, or deny sleep altogether. Continued loss of sleep produces clouding of consciousness and a loss of alertness( both of which impair the victim’s ability to sustain isolation). It also produces profound fatigue. Another simple and effective type of pressure is that of maintaining the temperature of the cell at a level which is either too hot or too cold for comfort. Continuous heat, at a level at which constant sweating is necessary in order to maintain body temperature, is enervating and fatigue-producing. Sustained cold is uncomfortable and poorly tolerated. Yet another method of creating pressure is to reduce the food ration to the point at which the prisoner is constantly hungry. This usually involves loss of weight, which is often associated with weakness and asthenia. Furthermore, deprivation of food produces lassitude, loss of general interest, and some breakdown of courage.

p. 17 –

The effects of isolation, anxiety, fatigue, lack of sleep, uncomfortable temperatures, and chronic hunger produce disturbances of mood, attitudes, and behavior in nearly all prisoners. The living organism cannot entirely withstand such assaults. The Communists do not look upon these assaults as “torture.” Undoubtedly, they use the methods which they do in order to conform, in a typical legalistic manner, to overt Communist principles, which demand that “no force or torture be used in extracting information from prisoners.” But all of them produce great discomfort, and lead to serious disturbances of many bodily processes; there is no reason to differentiate them from any other form of torture.

p. 18  Section 12 – INTERROGATION

When the prisoner has been arrested and incarcerated in his cell, the officer in charge of his case submits to his superiors a plan for the interrogation of the prisoner. This plan is drawn up on the basis of what is already known about the prisoner. It describes the methods to be used upon him, the attitudes to be taken toward him, the type of crimes which he is believed to have committed, and the assumed motivation for them.

p. 19 –

Interrogations, once begun, are continued until “the case is complete,” but in some circumstances they are intentionally delayed in their onset. It appears that his delay is imposed when the prisoner is defiant, when he is thought to be withholding information, when the KGB is seeking a confession to crimes other than those for which it has “evidence,” and especially when it wants to use the prisoner for a public trial or to obtain a propaganda confession from him. In such cases, the interrogation begins when the officer in charge feels that the prisoner is ripe for it. This is usually when he observes that the prisoner has become docile and compliant and shows evidence of deterioration in his mood and personal appearance. Interrogations are almost uniformly carried out at night.[…]For one reason or another, it has become standard procedure, possibly because the physical and psychological effects of night interrogations produce added pressure upon the prisoner. He is deprived of sleep, and placed in a state of added uncertainty by never knowing when he will be awakened and questioned. Typically, he will be awakened suddenly by the guard shortly after he has dropped off to sleep. Without explanation, he is taken from his cell and down several corridors to a small and barren interrogation room, equipped with a desk and chair for the interrogator and a stool for the prisoner. The lighting is arranged so that the prisoner can be placed in a bright light, while the interrogator sits in relative darkness.[…]

The psychological warfare tactics begin –

The interrogator adjusts his attitude toward the prisoner according to his estimate of the kind of man he is facing. If the dossier indicates that the prisoner is a timid and fearful man, the interrogator may adopt a fierce and threatening demeanor. If the prisoner is thought to be proud and sensitive, the interrogator may be insulting and degrading. If the prisoner has been a man of prestige and importance in private life, the interrogator may call him by his first name, treat him as an inferior, and remind him that he has lost all rank and privilege. If the prisoner is thought to be suggestible, the interrogator will try to influence him by suggestion. If the prisoner is known as venal and self-seeking, the interrogator may try to bribe him with promises of reward for cooperation. If the prisoner has a tendency to blame others, the interrogator may try to let him place the blame upon others, while describing his own activities as harmless. If the prisoner is known to have a wife and children for whom he cares deeply, the interrogator may threaten harm to them if the prisoner does not cooperate, and promise to protect and help them if he does. If it is known that the prisoner has been unfaithful to his wife or has committed some crime, such as embezzlement, the interrogator may blackmail him by threatening exposure or punishment unless he cooperates. All these, and many other tricks, may be employed. They are not based upon a scientific theory of human behavior; they are tricks of the trade, so to speak, developed out of police experience and applied on a “rule-of-thumb,” “common-sense” basis.

Scientology REVERSE auditing; Synanon’s “The Game” –

Almost invariably the interrogator takes the attitude that the prisoner is guilty and acts as though all of his crimes were known. Almost invariably he points out to the prisoner that he is completely helpless and that there is no hope for him unless he cooperates fully and confesses his crimes completely. Almost never does the interrogator state specifically what the prisoner’s crimes actually are. This is left up to the prisoner, who is told, in effect, that he knows the extent of his own crimes and need only make a complete statement of them.


Almost invariably the interrogator does not accept the early statement of the prisoner. No matter what crimes he confesses, the interrogator forces the prisoner to repeat his statements again and again, and to elaborate on them endlessly. Almost always he uses any discrepancies as indications of lying and questions the prisoner at length about them.[…]


The first interrogation sessions are nearly always concerned with a complete review of the entire life experience of the prisoner. The interrogator wishes to know about the prisoner’s background; his class origin; his parents, brothers, and sisters; his friends and associates, and everything that he has done throughout his life. If the case is of any importance, no detail is overlooked, and every period of the prisoner’s life must be accounted for.

p. 21 –

Many men willingly divulge all that they can remember about themselves, because they feel quite sure that they have done nothing which may be regarded as criminal. They are unaware that, from the point of view of Communist theory and of the KGB, much of their past behavior undoubtedly will be construed as “criminal” and held against them. If the interrogator offers them the opportunity to have paper and pencil in their cells and to write out their biographies, they seize upon this avidly as a means of relieving the boredom of the tedious, lonely routine to which they are exposed.


As the interrogation proceeds, the interrogator changes his behavior according to his previous plan and the development of the case. If the prisoner is cooperating and talking freely, the interrogator continues to show a relatively friendly attitude. But sooner or later he invariably expresses dissatisfaction with the information which the prisoner has given, no matter how complete it may be. He demands new details, and usually shows an especially great interest in the “accomplices” of the prisoner and the “organization” to which he is supposed to have been attached. When the prisoner protests that he has told all, and denies any other crimes or accomplices, the interrogator becomes hostile and begins to apply pressure.[…]Continuous and repetitive interrogation is an effective and very common form of pressure…

Standing torture –

…requiring the prisoner to stand throughout the interrogation session or to maintain some other physical position which becomes painful.[…]Many men can withstand the pain of long standing, but sooner or later all men succumb to the circulatory failure it produces. After 18 to 24 hours of continuous standing, there is an accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the legs.


p.22 –

This period of pressure will be accompanied by expressions of displeasure and hostility from the interrogator, and sometimes from the guards also. It appears to be a working principle of the KGB that no man ever reveals everything voluntarily.

SCIENTOLOGY REVERSE AUDITING  – If you are actually innocent and willing to talk that equals SPECIAL TARGET –

It has been a universal experience of prisoners of Communist state police that no matter how much a man tells, he is always pressed to tell more in fact, those who talk are often the ones who are hounded the longest. Men who immediately, and without pressure, volunteer all that they know do not thus allay the suspicions of their interrogator. Eventually, when their flow of information runs out, and persuasion yields no more, they find themselves put through the same routine of repetitive torture which more recalcitrant prisoners encounter.

p. 23 now comes the “Friendly Approach, section 14 -This happens in SCIENTOLOGY REVERSE AUDITING and ETHICS interviews, as well as Synanon “the GAME”.

The interrogator will continue this pressure until he feels that the prisoner is nearly at the end of his rope. At this point he introduces a psychological gambit which is probably the most successful of any of the tricks at his command. He suddenly changes his demeanor. The prisoner, returned once again to an interrogation session that he expects will be a repetition of torture and villification, suddenly finds that the entire scene has changed. The interrogation room is brightly lighted. The interrogator is seated behind his desk, relaxed and smiling. Tea and cigarettes are waiting on the table. He is ushered to a comfortable chair. The guard is sent away, and sometimes the secretary also. The interrogator remarks about his appearance. He is sympathetic about the discomfort which he has been suffering. He is sorry that the prisoner has had such a difficult time. The interrogator himself would not have wished to do this to the prisoner-it is only that the prison regulations require this treatment, because of the prisoner’s own stubbornness. “But let us relax and be friends. Let us not talk any more about crimes. Tell me about your family”-and so on. The usual line is to the effect that, “After all, I am a reasonable man. I want to get this business over as much as you do. This is as tiresome to me as it is to you. We already know about your crimes; It is a mere formality for you to write out your confession. Why don’t we get it over with so that everything can be settled and you can be released?” Prisoners find this sudden friendship and release of pressure almost irresistible.

p. 23 Over and over these two are alternated –

[…]as soon as the interrogator decides that no new information is being yielded, the regimen of constant pressure and hostile interrogation is resumed. Again it is carried to the point at which the prisoner is near breakdown. Again it is relaxed, and again the prisoner is rewarded if he cooperates. In this manner, proceeding with regular steps, alternating punishment with. reward, the interrogator constantly presses the prisoner to revise and rewrite the protocol until it contains all the statements which he desires, and is in a final form which meets with his approval.

p. 24 PARALLELS AUDITOR AND PRECLEAR in Scientology reverse auditing, Psychiatrist and psychologist and “patient” –

In many respects this is like the relationship that grows up between a psychiatrist and his patient.[…]The way in which a prisoner reacts to the whole process of interrogation is to a great extent dependent upon the manner of man he is, his preexisting attitudes and beliefs, and the circumstances surrounding his arrest and imprisonment.

p. 27 Section 18. The “Trial”- In Scientology this is the “Committee of Evidence” which comes AFTER all the reverse auditing techniques have been employed.

When the prisoner has finally reached the point of admitting his “crimes,” and he and the interrogator have agreed upon a protocol satisfactory to both of them, he experiences a profound feeling of relief, which is sometimes shared by the man who has been questioning him.[…]When a satisfactory deposition has been prepared and signed, the pressures upon the prisoner are customarily relaxed. He is allowed to sleep as long as he wishes; he may have reading and writing material in ·his room. Sometimes he can join with other prisoners in periods of exercise. His meals improve and his guards become friendly, or even solicitous. This easy treatment is continued until he is thoroughly rested and his health has been restored. Then, in most cases, he is taken before a “court.”[…]First, it is by no means true that “all prisoners confess freely at a public trial.” Only a very small minority of prisoners of the Communist state police ever appear at a public trial. The KGB will not expose a prisoner to a public trial unless it is convinced that he will go through with his confession as planned. If there is any doubt about this, no public trial is held.

THE TROIKA – SCIENTOLOGY REVERSE AUDITING END – Tactic of “three” also used in the current ex-scientology black operation to control the narrative. If you are not approved by that “troika” they keep running black operations on you until you “reform”. Scientology’s “committee of evidence” also usually has three people present at it that the ‘criminally accused’ is brought before. ALL reserved for the particularly stubborn and resistant to all their previous pressure tactics.

p. 29 –

Those who are stubborn or repeatedly recant their confessions during the interrogation procedure will not be trusted, even at private trials. Uncooperative and stubborn  prisoners, and those who might make embarrassing statements are “dealt with administratively.” For many years the state police have had the right to carry out “administrative” trials for any prisoners whom they do not wish to expose to the usual trial procedure. These administrative trials consist of simply presenting the prisoner to a group of three senior police officers (the Troika), who pass sentence immediately and have it carried out forthwith. These administrative trials took place within the detention prison. Sometimes the prisoner was not even present at them; sentence was passed by the Troika merely upon the basis of the signed protocol.

SCIENTOLOGY REVERSE AUDITING p. 33 now into the Chinese techniques section –

20. Punishment – The period of interrogation and detention, no matter how long and terrible it may be, is not considered imprisonment. The “punishment” begins only after the sentence has been passed.—Chinese versus KGB techniques – The KGB does not appear to be greatly concerned about the future attitudes and behavior of the prisoner, so long as he behaves properly during the period of trial and sentencing. The goal of the Chinese detention and interrogation procedure, on the other hand, is primarily that of ensuring that the prisoner will develop a relatively long-lasting change in his attitudes and overt behavior which will be sustained after his release, so that he will not again’ constitute a danger

Internet war tactics commonly employed in the ex-scientology community, Synanon’s “the Game”, Scientology “disconnection” practices.

p. 34 –

2. Unlike the KGB, the Chinese make extensive use of group interaction among prisoners, in obtaining information, applying pressures, and carrying out indoctrination. 3. Whereas in the Soviet Union and Eastern European states the ritual of public self-criticism, confession, self-degradation, punishment, and rehabilitation is a Party procedure confined to Communists, the Chinese have extended this practice to the non-Party population, and to the prison population in particular, and have made it an important feature of their indoctrination procedure. 4. In China, at the moment at least, the period of detention is greatly prolonged.

Scientology CHINESE SCHOOL training combined with methods of thought reform –

p. 35 –

The combination of Communist practices, such as public confession and self-criticism, with traditional Chinese methods of learning by rote and repetition resulted in a highly effective method of persuasion. These methods, as applied to the general population following the success of the revolution in 1949, have been referred to as methods of “thought reform” or “ideological reform”; and, as we have seen, these phrases were finally transferred into English under the generic term of “brain washing.” The Chinese have shown great skill in the development of these methods and their application, but, like the Russians, they developed their methods by trial and error, through practice, and through the application of known principles. There is no evidence- that psychologists, neurophysiologists, or other scientists participated in their  development.


p.36 Chinese use the TROIKA tactic also –

As in Russia, there are “specific” suspects, as well as general categories of suspects. Such specific suspects include persons who are the associates and relatives of other suspects, persons about whom police spies and informers have reported derogatory information, and persons who have been accused of acts or attitudes which threaten the Party or any of its programs.[…] 5. Chinese Prison Routine Usually the prisoner is taken first to a police station, where he is immediately interrogated by several police officers. This initial interrogation is relatively brief, and takes the form of an accusation. Usually, it is carried out by three officers, in full uniform.


Their demeanor is invariably arrogant and hostile. As in Russia, they never state specific crimes, but they tell the prisoner that he is accused of “crimes against the people,” “treason,” “espionage,” or some similar broad category of malefaction. Sometimes they simply state to him that he knows why he is there, and what has he to say for himself? Usually this initial shouting and accusatory interrogation is a brief one, and the prisoner is promptly placed in a cell. However, for psychological reasons, and because of lack of prison facilities, some prisoners are put under “house arrest” immediately after their initial arrest. A single room in the prisoner’s home is fixed up as a cell, and guards are assigned.

p. 38 same as KGB –

In important cases, when there is a need to elicit a good deal of accurate information from the prisoner, the Chinese utilize a routine of isolation, pressure, and interrogation, which is almost identical with that used by the KGB and is described in Part II.[…]The Chinese have a predilection for severely restricting the activities of their prisoners. lt seems to be much commoner for them to require men in total isolation to sit rigidly on their bunks at all times when they are not eating, sleeping, or exercising. This adds greatly to their discomfort.[…]

In Scientology, you can’t go to the bathroom when you are “in” an auditing session or on a course in the courseroom without asking PERMISSION to go, which can be denied and actually often is, particularly in an auditing session. This simple and taken-for-granted right to just up and leave to take care of one’s personal business is just one element of the enforced and must be acknowledged HIGH CONTROL that scientologists both in and “out” of the church (practicing “independantly”) often employ.

The guards customarily allow only this one opportunity for defecation [they’re given only two minutes and it’s a public open latrine] All Western prisoners experience extreme discomfort and marked disturbances of bowel function when first exposed to this regimen. Many of them think of it as one of the most fiendish tortures devised by the Chinese Communists[…]

Chief features Chinese are the same as Soviets. Modern INTERNET example: People recruited under ex-scientologist “leaders” should note the tactics marked in red well.

The chief features of the isolation regimen in China are the same as those of the Soviet Union: total isolation, utter boredom, anxiety, uncertainty, fatigue, and lack of sleep; rejection, hostile treatment, and intolerable pressure: and reward and approval for compliance.

p. 39 SCIENTOLOGY AUDITORS etc. in reverse auditing – also note in current INTERNET operations the use of the below in a FALSE outer demeanor.

On the whole, Western prisoners have reported that one of the most persuasive features of Communist Chinese interrogators is their evident devotion to their cause and the enthusiastic idealism with which they subscribe to the ostensible goals of Communism. Their patient attempts to teach prisoners “the right attitude” and to get them to understand the Chinese Communist viewpoint has a potent effect upon unsophisticated or idealistic people.


p. 39 –

Less important prisoners may be interrogated while incarcerated in “group cells.” Tn this case the members of the cell group alter their behavior to fit the needs of the interrogators. Prisoners in group cells may be isolated if their “confessions” are not developing in a satisfactory manner.

p. 40 outright torture –

In addition to the procedure of long-continued standing, which is frequently employed, the Chinese also use manacles and leg chains, devices which are no longer used by the KGB. Leg chains are hobbling and uncomfortable, but the most excruciating discomfort is produced by the manacles. These are commonly in the form of iron bracelets, several inches in width, and joined rigidly together. The prisoner’s hands are placed behind his back, and his wrists are locked within the manacles. The rigid joint of the manacles holds his forearms together side by side, tightly behind his back. This position is a painful one to assume for even a few moments. When a man’s arms are held in this position for many hours, he develops almost unbearable pain, primarily in his shoulders and hands. The circulation to his hands is interfered with also. They become swollen and exceedingly tender. The manacles may cut into his wrists and produce wounds which become infected. The Chinese may manacle a prisoner for days or weeks at a time. Such a prisoner is helpless and degraded. In order to eat, he must lie on the floor and lap up his food. He cannot urinate or defecate without help, and frequently he soils himself. He cannot find a comfortable position for sleep. Lying on either side causes pain in the shoulders, and lying on his back is impossible because of tenderness of his hands.[…]When asked to explain the difference between Chinese methods and those of the KGB, one Russian said simply, “The Chinese use torture.” This is the exception rather than the rule in their behavior, but nevertheless it occurs. Angry interrogators may slap or beat prisoners and kick them in the shins. Guards may do likewise. Among their most sadistic practices are milking the fingers of manacled prisoners and binding the ankles of those who are forced to stand. Milking pressure on the swollen fingers of a manacled hand is excruciatingly painful. Whenever loose gauze bandages are applied around the ankles of a man who is forced to stand, they seriously constrict his legs as they begin to swell. This also produces intense pain.

INVENTED confessions, Scientology and Synanon, p. 41 –

The KGB rarely requires a prisoner to fabricate a completely untrue act which is logically absurd. They concentrate more upon persuading him that his actual acts constitute crimes. Chinese interrogators, on the other hand, when they are intent upon establishing charges, such as bacteriological warfare or espionage, may insist that the prisoner include in his confession detailed statements which are not only untrue but logically absurd.

p. 41 Note that goes with that:

*A person who has finally been forced into making an absurd confession will sometimes accept the confession after the most absurd parts have been deleted, even though the remaining protocol is patently untrue.

8. The Indoctrination Procedure in the Group Cell –

At the time time first protocol or “confession” is signed, the prisoner is usually sullen and only half-convinced, if at all. It is at this point that the Chinese procedure diverges radically from that of the other Communist countries. The Chinese are less interested in immediate trial and punishment; they are more concerned with reforming the prisoner’s thoughts and acts. At some stage in his imprisonment the prisoner: can expect to find himself placed in a cell with about eight other prisoners. There may be a sleeping platform, but all of the prisoners sleep on the floor; and when all lie down, every inch of floor space may be taken up. The atmosphere is extremely intimate. Privacy is entirely nonexistent. Poor food and all of the other hardships of the prison routine are present, and a new and extraordinary hardship is added as well-the psychological atmosphere.


One of their most ingenious prison devices is that of turning prisoner against prisoner, and requiring the enemies of the regime to beat each other into conformity. After he is transferred to a cell with other prisoners, it becomes clear to him what this entails. It is necessary for him to compete with other prisoners in studying, in thoughts, and in behavior until he has demonstrated to them, as well as to his jailers, that he is thoroughly “reformed” and a true adherent of Communism.The regimen in the new cell is completely organized. The prisoners arise at a fixed hour, have a brief period for cleaning themselves, eat a frugal breakfast, and have the usual march to the latrine. Thereafter, they spend the morning in lectures, discussion sessions, and brief exercise periods. They spend the afternoon in the same sort of routine-more lectures, more discussions and self-criticism sessions. In the evenings, the discussions and self-criticism go on continuously until bedtime.

SYNANON THE GAME and SCIENTOLOGY SEC CHECK/ETHICS plus PROPAGANDA OPERATIONS ON PEOPLE – Substitute the word “members” for prisoners and you’ll see what I mean.

In addition, there are the “self-criticism” sessions, during which each prisoner is supposed to criticize his behavior in the light of proper Communist behavior and to admit all his faults. Not only one’s present failures but all of one’s past actions are subject to review. The biographical material from each prisoner’s life history is available, and sooner or later he must review most of the items. Furthermore, all prisoners must take part in vigorous criticism of other prisoners. One is not allowed to criticize vaguely or lightly. One must criticize specific points and criticize them forcefully. The result of this is an intense outpouring of hostile accusations upon the prisoner who is the recipient of the criticism. The hostility of the group grows in intensity and continues until the uncommitted prisoner shows a genuine emotional reaction that indicates a satisfying willingness to reform. A special aspect of the group criticism is what prisoners call “the struggle.” This takes place when prisoners are undergoing interrogations while being confined to group cells. The cell group is made aware of the progress of the interrogation, apparently by direct instructions from the jailers to the group leader. When the prisoner returns fatigued after an interrogating session, the group surrounds him and “struggles” to help him with his confession. They stand around him in a group, shouting at him, reviling him, and accusing him for hours at a time, constantly telling him that he must confess all in order to be treated better. Such “struggles” are often initiated when a prisoner returns from an interrogation session wearing manacles and leg chains as a sign of his unsatisfactory performance. When the prisoner finally produces a satisfactory confession and the interrogator changes his attitude, the cell group is made aware of this also, and changes its attitude toward the prisoner to a milder one. Another technique used is that of stopping all interrogations and instructions for a period of days and ordering the prisoner to concentrate upon writing his confession and self-criticism. During this time, he is not allowed to speak to anyone in his cell, and his cell mates do not speak to him. The effect of this is to produce anxiety and doubts in the prisoner, who continues to expand his writing in the hope that he will finally produce something which will satisfy his interrogators. This routine of lectures, discussions, self-criticism, and group criticism goes on from morning until evening throughout the week. The formal lectures alone may occupy as much as 56 hours a week. Literally no part of the prisoner’s waking life is left free.[…]

9. The Reaction of the Prisoner to the Procedure in the Group Cell – DISCUSSION FORUMS and THE GAME, SCIENTOLOGY REVERSE AUDITING/ETHICS

Whether by design or by accident, the psychological atmosphere within one of these group prison cells is such that ultimately the prisoner comes to see that the only hope for a “solution to his case” lies in his complete conformity in speech and behavior to the doctrine outlined by his jailers. He also learns that he must demonstrate his zeal not merely by his own behavior but also by vigorously tearing down the defenses of many other prisoners. Fear and tension in the group are thus maintained at a high pitch, and the cell mates vie with one another in accusing, criticizing, degrading, and brutally punishing their fellow prisoners. A prisoner newly introduced into one of these cells finds himself faced with an almost irresistible assault upon the integrity of his personality[…] The new prisoner’s protestations of innocence are not accepted by his fellow prisoners. They derisively tell him that he will soon change. They all tell him that resistance is useless, that the Communist party is all-powerful, and that no one who is innocent is ever imprisoned. They promptly turn upon him and begin to “help him” in his reform. They criticize him vigorously and brutally. They point out every error in his thinking. They detect his every attempt to evade commitment and destroy it. They do not allow protestation of innocence. Thenceforth he has no moment of peace and no shred of privacy.[…]

If none of that works?

The Chinese, like the KGB, have a regulation that prisoners shall not be tortured, beaten, or otherwise maltreated. Usually the interrogator and guards follow this rule. They leave physical brutality to the prisoners themselves. Amid the tensions of the group cell, prisoners can revile and degrade their fellow prisoners to an unbelievable degree. When the group decides that a prisoner is recalcitrant or reactionary, they may turn upon him and beat him mercilessly. They may deprive him of sleep, take his food away from him, spit upon him, make him stand all day, and insist that he be manacled.

p. 44 Sea Organization close quarters and confinement –

Even if nothing else at all were clone to a prisoner, he would find it almost intolerable to be confined so intimately with seven other people who revile him and openly despise him.

p. 45 –

Prisoners who enter into the cell groups may be defiant for a while but they soon learn that this brings punishment upon them, and they try some trick of ostensible compliance. This is detected, with further punishment, and rejection. Other ruses fail also. Finally, many reach a point of emotional breakdown. The mood common to this is profound depression, with crying, whimpering, and the loss of all care about personal appearance.

p. 46 INTERNET – Ex-Scientologists trying to control the narrative OP METHODS –

10. The Conversion The feeling of “joining,” “belonging,” and “being accepted” by the prisoner group provides a most intense satisfaction to one who has been rejected and reviled.[…]When he finally submits, the prisoner receives a substantial reward from a feeling of acceptance and belonging. Suddenly, he has “friends.” He may even be a “hero.” He unites himself with the others and is buoyed up by a sense of dedication to the “mission” that they are carrying out. At this stage, he may be transferred to a “free and easy cell” where conditions are less harsh.

INTERNET OPS “requests” to members and “friends” for likes, joining, etc. – read orders –

His new-found enthusiasm is abetted by recurrent “drives” that take place within the prison-·drivcs against “hypocrisy,” “waste,” “graft,” “corruption,” and the like-all of which are fostered with enthusiastic fervor by competitions among the cell groups.[…] Some feel as if they were more “mature” than they had ever been before. This is especially true of those who had previously felt at loss for a goal in life, or who had not been committed to a set of beliefs, friendships, or an occupation. It is also true of those who have carried a heavy load of guilt about earlier behavior. In this last group, something akin to a religious “conversion” is recognizable.[…]The previously uncommitted, and those who felt rejected by their society, may develop an exhilarating feeling of “purpose” and “belonging” which they never had before.[…]

This is interesting – p. 48

Long after the prisoner has developed a willingness to conform, he continues to be exposed to an unremitting course of Communist studies. During all of his imprisonment he is denied access to any information which might contradict what he is being told.[…]prisoners suddenly released after periods as long as four years in Chinese detention prisons. Such persons have appeared at the border at Hong Kong, looking calm, fit, and sane. They praise their captors…The fact that they praise their captors is regarded as the most amazing of all, for it is known that they have been through many horrible experiences in the course of their imprisonment.

Who they target or think this “works” on –

A number of people called “successfully brain-washed” have been studied intensively. A great deal is known about these people and what was done to them. The study of these people reveals that they possessed certain characteristics in common before they were imprisoned. These can be enumerated.

1.They were people who, long before their imprisonment, were in rebellion against their parents and the way of life of the segment of society to which their parents belonged, including many of its standards, beliefs, and practices.
2. They were people who had few friends within their homeland, and no place, organization, or occupation there with which they were firmly identified.. So far as their native country was concerned, they were emotionally rootless.
3. They were people who had previously identified themselves with the “underdog.” They felt a strong sympathy for all people whom they regarded as “oppressed” or “exploited,” and especially for minority groups of different racial or cultural origin.

Summary –

In summary, the study of these “successfully brain-washed” people revealed them to be persons who had previously lost their identification with the society in which they originated, and who under years of intense pressure were temporarily persuaded to “commit” themselves to beliefs which most of them already found intellectually attractive.[…]Just how effective are these procedures? How long-lasting are their effects? Do they actually affect brain function? Are they “irresistible”? The answer to these questions, like the answer to those about Russian “public confession” trials, is not simple, but it is available.

p. 50

So-called “brain washing” produces no permanent changes in the function of the brain.

Now imagine you ALSO control these “other materials” people read on a global basis, that they’re talking about next –

All of them have a tentative orientation toward whatever new beliefs they may have,and most of them have reservations about their entire experience. Upon their release, former prisoners set about a process of “reality testing.” Without committing himself, each newly released man characteristically begins to talk to friends, and to listen to accounts of what has happened while he was away in prison. He begins to read back copies of books and magazines. He begins to compare what was told him with the facts as observed and reported in the American press. The available evidence suggests that within a period of months he readjusts himself to the outside world and resumes a set of beliefs roughly similar to those he held prior to his imprisonment.

Re: above – That’s actually not true, they resumed a set of beliefs that CONFORMED with the society they returned to.

p. 54 who can resist and why, except for that they don’t actually KNOW why –

[Prisoners in North Korea] These men were being asked to confess to something which they knew to be palpably untrue, and there was no way of looking upon it in any other fashion. It is notoriously difficult to get men to make such confessions. Statistical correlations made by research groups of the U. S. Air Force indicate that resistance did not correlate with rank, education, religion, geographical area of origin, length of service, or regular or reserve status. The information from our own studies suggests very strongly that resistance or nonresistance is related to highly personal factors involving motivations, value systems, character structure, and the circumstances of imprisonment. […]

V. Some Theoretical Considerations

A central theme of this paper has been the proposition that there is no need to assume that the Communists utilize occult methods in managing their prisoners. The results obtained are readily understandable on the basis of the methods known to be used.

KEY POINT p. 55 –

For want of a better term, the experimental situation just described has been called a “situation of frustration.” Situations of frustration are the common denominator of many of the Communist prison experiences. The reaction of the prisoner to the isolation routine closely reproduces that which occurs in an artificially frustrating situation.

p. 56  –

Psychiatrists may refer to a man in such a situation as “emotionally bankrupt.” Some of the patients who seek the help of psychiatrists are in a similar state. The pressures and convolutions of their lives have reached a point at which they can no longer deal with them, and they must have help. It is recognized that such a state of “emotional bankruptcy” provides a good opportunity for the therapist. Indeed, there are therapists who are of the opinion that successful psychotherapy is rare unless a patient has reached such a state of readiness.

Internet Tactics, looks for desperate types and then offers “help” – People like this also try to PUT others in this state by isolation, group attack, etc., so that they will conform and accept their “help”. THEN they are friendly, otherwise? Not. This next part is also particularly relevant to the experiments that Dr. Wolff etc. did on people.

When a man is at the “end of his rope,” he accepts avidly any help that is offered. In the experimental situation of frustration, the subject who has reached this stage will readily accept suggestions for solving the experimental problem, however absurd. His response to words of encouragement is striking. His own intense needs have prepared him to accept suggestions which he previously would have rejected. Similarly, the patient who has reached a point of desperation may abjectly put himself into the hands of a psychiatrist toward whom he has previously displayed contempt and hostility, and he will enter into a course of treatment, however painful it may be. A characteristic of those who are “bankrupt” and need help is their need to talk. They obtain deep satisfaction simply from unburdening themselves to another human being.[…]The interrogator is dealing with a man who might be looked upon as an intentionally created patient; […]the interrogator does deal with the prisoner by using many of the same methods which the physician uses in the management of his patients. He allows the prisoner to talk at length about his family and his life. This produces in the prisoner a warm and dependent relationship toward him. The interrogator approves and rewards proper attitudes and behavior, and disapproves and punishes improper attitudes and behavior. Because of his dependence upon the interrogator, the prisoner develops an intense desire to please him. The prisoner glows when he is rewarded, and is deeply disturbed when he is rejected. The interrogator has in his hands knowledge of most of the life history of his victim. He does not hesitate to pick out from this history the disturbing and unpleasant episodes. He uses them as a lever to humiliate the prisoner and to increase his feelings of guilt and unworthiness. The potent effect which this procedure can have upon man has been demonstrated many times in the laboratory. It has been observed that when threatening episodes from a patient’s life are introduced by the physician and discussed intensively with indications of disapproval, the patient may be greatly disturbed. Not only are his mood and behavior disturbed, but profound and potentially dangerous alterations in his bodily processes occur also. Thus, the power which the interrogator possesses in dealing with the prisoner is great; his ability to manipulate both the physical and the interpersonal aspects of the prisoner’s environment place his victim in a highly vulnerable position.[…]Some religious conversions have long-lasting, or even permanent, effects. So it appears to be with the conversion. which takes place in Communist prisons or indoctrination schools. Those who go through the experience often feel that it’ was unpleasant but worth while. Its effects upon their attitudes and behavior are usually evanescent. They disappear within a few weeks after the convert is removed from his Communist environment. But a small proportion of converts appear to experience long-lasting, or even permanent, changes in their attitudes and behavior, especially if they are among the “most susceptible group.”[…]


When residents of such communities become aware that they are suspected by the police, their feelings of impotence and uncertainty are greatly augmented. As they are increasingly avoided by their friends and associates, they feel isolated and rejected, and develop intense anxiety, often colored by feelings of guilt.

The answer, the undoing, the RECKONING –

Under pressures such as these, prisoners usually rationalize a change in attitude and hold it for an indefinite time. In general, this change in attitude is only so great as the prisoner feels it must be to enable him to relieve himself of the intolerable pressures under which he labors. […]When they have felt safe to acknowledge their resentment, they have expressed extreme hostility toward those responsible for their bad prison experiences, and they have nearly always rejected Communism and all those connected with it.