Hey everyone,GoFundMe Update. Mike and Virginia had to leave the Motel because of a lack of funds. They are forced back into their cars today. The high temps and high humidity took a toll on both today so far. Further help is needed for short term, until a long term option that is safe and […]

During These Last Days… post #28

As you know, Virginia and I were members of the Church of Scientology. In 1998 Virginia discovered about illegal sec checks.  …

During These Last Days… post #27

In post #25 an email from Scott Gordon was included as part of evidence of Scott Gordon’s Fair Gaming smear campaign against Mark Plummer (and others).


During These Last Days… post #26

We can now confirm that at the time Scott emailed in October 2016 offering his Pueblo House (post # ) that he knew his house/property was toxic from lead and that he had elevated levels in his blood and WITHHELD that at that time.

During These Last Days… post #25

What is meant by Alt-facts?

…it is in some respects just the latest term given to information that isn’t purely designed to inform and/or isn’t purely true…..

During these last days…post #24

Goes with post #15 titled Attempted Set-Up “Drive a Wedge” Operation against Loren Spethman and Virginia McClaughry (before they ever speak or meet)

This happened simultaneously with another “drive a wedge” operation by Scott Gordon. This one is more complex as to motive and results but Scott relied on it for years to both 1: publicly and privately smear Mark Plummer as doing Karen de la Carriere’s dirty intelligence work and 2: Keep the McClaughry’s and Mark Plummer apart.

During These Last Days… post #23

It appears that we are running out of time here where we are, only a day or so left based on what the money “facts on the ground” show at the time of this writing.

If nothing changes.

Even still and regardless, we are committed.

During These Last Days…post #14-4

Take a look at the Church of Scientology’s new “attack” page on Jeffrey Augustine.

You will see that besides misappropriating and misrepresenting Virginia’s research article on Jeffrey Augustine, evidence that another McClaughry blog article is being similarly misused.

During These Last Days… post #22

Two Poems and noted by Becky Hemsley.

During These Last Days… post #21

HVAC Boss article.